How to watch Acestream / Sopcast Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?

Have you guys used Acestreams? The repository has not yet issued for 16.04 LTS, but besides, it might not be free anymore.

Is anyone watching Acestreams/Sopcast with any other software + where can I find such software?

Thank you!

Solution 1:

It's now one step installation:

sudo snap install acestreamplayer

and to run it:

acestreamplayer.engine --client-console

If running the above commands after the successful snap installation fails with a command not found error, you might need to add /snap/bin to your $PATH or run it using the following commands:

snap run acestreamplayer.engine --client-console
snap run acestreamplayer

Based on info @

Solution 2:

It works for me. Install only acestream-engine.

  1. Install acestream-engine

    echo 'deb trusty main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acestream.list
    sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install acestream-engine
  2. Install Kodi (XBMC)

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kodi kodi-pvr-iptvsimple kodi-audioencoder-*
  3. Install addon p2p-streams for Kodi (video)

  4. Start acestreamengine no root

    acestreamengine --client-console


    acestreamengine --client-gtk
  5. Start Kodi

    Video - addons - p2p-streams - Addon Website-parsere

It is the only way.

Solution 3:

I got this option running in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:


1.Prerequisites: If you are unsure that you have all the dependencies, run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python python-psutil python-pexpect python-notify2 acestream-engine vlc

2.Clone the repository:

git clone

3.Run script as root:

sudo bash ./

Now, once you have the URL of the streaming, run:

acestream-launcher URL

For example:

acestream-launcher acestream://edca97797b5749855c9c0d512312312312323


Solution 4:

The easiest way: Snap (I used it without problems in Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and now in Mate 18.04 beta).

To install just enter the following into the terminal:

sudo snap install acestreamplayer

To run for the first time, it is recommended to use the terminal:

snap run acestreamplayer

(without sudo)

The first configuration takes some time, it seems to block, but when it is finished, the player and the server icon will appear. And also the two shortcuts (server and player) are created in the Sound&Video Menu
