Word that describes many common household purchases

I m writing a research paper about the over consumption.

I am struggling to find a word or words that describes the things we normally use in our daily lives like toothbrush, dish washer liquid, diapers(some), water and ac filters etc etc

So things that we use not to make money but to kind of maintain life. I m looking for a word describing those, so that I can refer to them as a one word(s) in my paper after I give definition.

So far I came up with consumable or spendible products. I m not really sold on those 100% still looking for better word or words. Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

Necessities, Vocabulary.com

When used in the plural, necessities are items required for a situation but nothing extra. You probably only bring the bare necessities to a sleepover — pajamas and a toothbrush

The things the OP lists as examples are considered necessities in modern life, although they would have been luxuries 100 years ago.

Solution 2:

The items you listed are on the list of fast-moving consumer goods.  The description also applies for household goods.