Minecraft performance degrades over time, no resource bottlenecks detected

My minecraft performance degrades the longer I play. The game will start to freeze for a fraction of a second before it continues. While this starts to happen every 10 minutes, the longer I play and the more I explore, the worse it gets, until eventually it happens every second.

Looking at my task manager, there are no shortage of resources. I am running of an SSD, 32GB Ram, I have a fast graphics card (AMD Radeon R9 290X), nothing runs in the background etc. Restarting minecraft solves the problem immediately. I limited the game to 30FPS and it pretty much stays there.

It's the latest version of Oracle Java (161), 64bit.

Any idea how to solve this issue?

Solution 1:

This sounds exactly like excessive garbage collection. "Back in the day” we used to have to explicitly tweak the Java VM memory settings to allow at least 1GB of RAM. I thought that had been fixed.

But if nothing else works try changing the Java command line so -Xmx is a few GB.