How can I create a bootable iso from an extracted Ubuntu 13.04 iso?

Solution 1:

To make an ISO from files on your hard drive, you can use the mkisofs command. To use it, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

mkisofs -o /home/user/Desktop/test/Ubuntu.iso /home/user/Desktop/test

(Using the command above, I have a folder called test in the Desktop folder, which will create the ISO in the same test folder, using only the files in the test folder).

Once created, then you can burn it to a DVD.

Note: This will not create a bootable DVD. To create a bootable DVD you need to get ISOLINUX, and you still can use mkisofs.

Solution 2:

An ISO if extracted, will loose it's capability to boot. Building ISO from this extracted files need to done in a special manner to set booting flag and other parameter

You just point your burning software to ISO (not extracted) , then the dvd/cd will be bootable.

If you want to customize ubuntu ISO, please see How to customize the Ubuntu Live CD?

To rebuilt from folder content, you can do so using powerISO (if on windows). Here is tutorial that may help you.. This option should be available with all standard burning software. Just check the manual.