How to disable NAT for IPv6 (NAT66)?

The current Ubuntu LTS does not support NAT tables for IPv6 (i.e. there is no ip6tables -t nat), and I'm fine with that, in fact, a NAT-less environment is the "core" of my networks.

But, the next Ubuntu LTS will add support for IPv6 NAT tables and, the problem is, I have "orders" to not allow it within my IPv6 network, I mean, we'll not support NAT66 (NAT for IPv6).

So, I need to make sure that ip6tables -t nat will not work here. How can I disable it?

Can I just blacklist some kernel modules? Sysctl?

Solution 1:

The IPv6 NAT module is named nf_nat_ipv6, so it should be sufficient to blacklist that module.

sudo sh -c 'echo blacklist nf_nat_ipv6 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist'