What are the options for (keyup) in Angular2?

These are the options currently documented in the tests: ctrl, shift, enter and escape. These are some valid examples of key bindings:


You can track this here while no official docs exist, but they should be out soon.

I was searching for a way to bind to multiple key events - specifically, Shift+Enter - but couldn't find any good resources online. But after logging the keydown binding

<textarea (keydown)="onKeydownEvent($event)"></textarea>

I discovered that the keyboard event provided all of the information I needed to detect Shift+Enter. Turns out that $event returns a fairly detailed KeyboardEvent.

onKeydownEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
   if (event.keyCode === 13 && event.shiftKey) {
       // On 'Shift+Enter' do this.......

There also flags for the CtrlKey, AltKey, and MetaKey (i.e. Command key on Mac).

No need for the KeyEventsPlugin, JQuery, or a pure JS binding.

Have hit the same problem today.

These are poorly documented, an open issue exist.

Some for keyup, like space:

<input (keyup.space)="doSomething()">
<input (keyup.spacebar)="doSomething()">  

Some for keydown
(may work for keyup too):

<input (keydown.enter)="...">
<input (keydown.a)="...">
<input (keydown.esc)="...">
<input (keydown.alt)="...">
<input (keydown.shift.esc)="...">
<input (keydown.shift.arrowdown)="...">
<input (keydown.f4)="...">

All above are from below links:


This file give you some more hints, for example, keydown.up doesn't work you need keydown.arrowup:
