Why does GetManifestResourceStream returns null while the resource name exists when calling GetManifestResourceNames?

I have a web application project. I generated the DLL and import it in another project. I implemented VirtualPathProvider.

I followed this web site: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/910441/en-us?spid=8940&sid=global, and everything works until I add another site master.

  1. I added site_export.master and changed its Build Action to Embedded Resource.
  2. I changed my page to use the new site master.
  3. GetManifestResourceStream() returns null when I load site_export.master.
  4. I call GetManifestResourceNames() to check if site_export.master exists in the DLL and it does. It's in the list. All of the name spaces match. I didn't list the name space out here.

Why can't GetManifestResourceStream() load my new site_export.master? It loads site.master just fine. I know my DLL is loaded because I can see other files in the DLL.

Remember the following issues...

Step 1. Build action set to embedded resource see

C#’s GetManifestResourceStream Gotcha

Step 2. Use namespace.resourcename see GetManifestResourceStream() returns null ?

Actually, this method returns null if a private resource in another assembly is accessed and the caller does not have ReflectionPermission with the ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess flag.

Side-hint. To make sure you're in the right assembly and with right name: dump and evaluate all the resources available in your target assembly

string[] names = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

(in my case, I misused a namespace from another assembly)

I did this to make it work:

Step 1: Select the resource (CRDF.xsl in my case) and right click > Properties. Set Build Action to "EmbeddedResource" and Logical Name to name of your choice, e.g. CRDFXSL.

Step 2 : Change your Source code like this:

Assembly _assembly;
  _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();         
  xslStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CRDFXSL");
  _xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xslStream);

Thus everything went smoooooooth..