new limit within php: 1000 fields per POST. Does someone know, if the number can be influenced?

In newer PHP-Versions the count of input-fileds per formula (POST) will be limited to 1000 (unverified information). It seams that this limit is already installed in certain builds of 5.2. This causes a lot of problems at our online shop.

Does someone know more about it and if this limit could be influenced by parameters or Vars. I just found max_input_vars, but it seems to be a complete new var of 5.4.RC4 And I'm not sure, if this var will be the one for the POST method.

Solution 1:


is an attempt for PHP to solve some security issues and when set, it limits your number of inputs (thus, fields in your forms). Also beware of


And yes - they are configurable. Just edit your php.ini or htaccess values.

Solution 2:

I too have come across this issue, working on a localised installation of my code, and Debian Sid has upgraded to 5.4 RC4 PHP. A form of over 7000 lines with checkboxes (!) suddenly only processed 1001 of these in the $_POST data...head scratching for a few hours.

Made the change in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini:

max_input_vars = 5000

save, and restart apache, and it's all good now.

Solution 3:

If you cannot/ do not want to increase the server limit, here is another solution

<!-- 10000 checkboxes outside the FORM. You do not want to post this -->
<input class="cbox" type="checkbox" value="1"  id="id-1" checked name="id[]">
<input class="cbox" type="checkbox" value="10000"  id="id-10000" checked name="id[]">
<form method="POST" action="postpage.php">
    <input type="hidden" id="cboxes" name="cboxes" class="cboxes" value="" />
    <input type="submit" onclick="return clicked();">

then using jquery

function clicked() {
    var cb = $('.cbox:checked').map(function() {return this.value;}).get().join(',');
    return true;

Using POST I tested posting 10000 records.

In the server

$cboxes = $_POST['cboxes'];
$cbox_exp =(explode(',', $cboxes));
print_r(count($cbox_exp)); //gives me 10000