remove shadow below AppBarLayout widget android

Solution 1:

Simply use app:elevation="0dp" inside "AppBarLayout" to remove the shadow. It has always worked for me. Hope it works for you.

Solution 2:

this problem only occurs when api version >= 21, if you do not want to change the elevation, you can use:


remember to check api version


Below is the source code of setOutlineProvider.

     * Sets the {@link ViewOutlineProvider} of the view, which generates the Outline that defines
     * the shape of the shadow it casts, and enables outline clipping.
     * <p>
     * The default ViewOutlineProvider, {@link ViewOutlineProvider#BACKGROUND}, queries the Outline
     * from the View's background drawable, via {@link Drawable#getOutline(Outline)}. Changing the
     * outline provider with this method allows this behavior to be overridden.
     * <p>
     * If the ViewOutlineProvider is null, if querying it for an outline returns false,
     * or if the produced Outline is {@link Outline#isEmpty()}, shadows will not be cast.
     * <p>
     * Only outlines that return true from {@link Outline#canClip()} may be used for clipping.
     * @see #setClipToOutline(boolean)
     * @see #getClipToOutline()
     * @see #getOutlineProvider()
    public void setOutlineProvider(ViewOutlineProvider provider) {
        mOutlineProvider = provider;

It is said that If the ViewOutlineProvider is null, if querying it for an outline returns false, or if the produced Outline is {@link Outline#isEmpty()}, shadows will not be cast.

So, if you want to remove shadow, you'd better use this method instead of setting app:elevation. It seems like that changing the elevation to remove shadow is a kind of side effect. And changing the elevation may cause some other problems in some cases.

Solution 3:

For all those who do not want to use bringToFront() and elevation="0dp" makes the toolbar disappear:

app:elevation="0dp" combinded with android:translationZ="0.1dp" worked for me.




Solution 4:

With latest appcompat versions, the trick setting app:elevation="0.1dp" in xml doesn't work any more.

So far I have found two solutions.

  1. Instead of setting app:elevation, try to use a stateListAnimator. For example, in code:

        StateListAnimator stateListAnimator = new StateListAnimator();
        stateListAnimator.addState(new int[0], ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(appBarLayout, "elevation", 0.1f));
  2. An easier way is you still set app:elevation="0dp" in xml as normal, but in code:


Credit goes to these two discussions:

ToolBar disappears when setting elevation for AppBarLayout

when set app:elevation="0dp" then hamburgermenu not showing to toolbar