How to display double quotes(") Symbol in a TextView?

I'm trying to display some words in double quotes, in Text view in in xml file. But its not working. Pls help me.

    android:text="message "quote string 1" and "quote string 2" end message" 

Any one knows solution for this.............

Solution 1:

In the strings.xml, you can simply escape special characters (eg double quotes) with a backslash :

"message \"quote string 1\" and \"quote string 2\" end message"

But in views xml (eg layout.xml), you have to use HTML character entities (like &quot;) :

"message &quot;quote string 1&quot; and &quot;quote string 2&quot; end message"

For more, visit

Solution 2:

Use &quot; symbol to solve this hardcode problem :)

android:text="message &quot;quote string 1&quot;" 

Solution 3:

use escape characters. To display double quote use \"

Your code will be

android:text="message \"quote string 1\" and "quote string 2\" end message" 

Solution 4:

Please try

android:text='message \"quote string 1\" and \"quote string 2\" end message' 