Where are tex /mactex binaries after brew install mactex
As can be seen: mactex
was installed successfully:
==> Installing Cask mactex
==> Running installer for mactex; your password may be necessary.
==> Package installers may write to any location; options such as --appdir are ignored.
==> installer: Package name is MacTeX-2017
==> installer: Upgrading at base path /
==> installer: The upgrade was successful.
🍺 mactex was successfully installed!
Where is it however..
21:22:37/hw6 $which tex
21:23:35/hw6 $which mactex
At the time of writing (June 17th, 2018) running:
brew cask install mactex
will install MacTeX-2018 and
which tex
Perhaps this is answer is unrelated to the issue the OP had, but I found the question while I was having a similar issue. While reinstalling MacTeX, I noticed this message:
==> Caveats
You must restart your terminal window for the installation of MacTex CLI tools to take effect.
Alternatively, Bash and Zsh users can run the command:
eval "$(/usr/libexec/path_helper)"
Sure enough, after running that command, I found tex
in my path:
$ type tex
tex is /Library/TeX/texbin/tex
And starting a new terminal window also solved the problem for me.