What hex colors are produced by dyeing signs?

Solution 1:

If you can't access the code whatsoever for hex codes of each color, then try using an editing software, then try to get the colors of each sign via screenshots.

My results:

  • Red: (#650000), (101, 0, 0)
  • Orange: (#65290C), (101, 41, 12)
  • Yellow Dye: (#656500), (101, 101, 0)
  • Lime Dye: (#4B6500), (75, 101, 0)
  • Green Dye: (#006500), (0, 101, 0)
  • Light Blue Dye: (#3C4B51), (60, 75, 81)
  • Cyan Dye: (#006565), (0, 101, 101)
  • Blue Dye: (#000065), (0, 0, 101)
  • Pink Dye: (#652A47), (101, 42, 71)
  • Purple Dye: (#3F0C5F), (63, 12, 95)
  • Magenta Dye: (#650065), (101, 0, 101)
  • White Dye: (#656565), (101, 101, 101)
  • Light Gray Dye: (#535353), (83, 83, 83)
  • Gray Dye: (#323232), (50, 50, 50)
  • Black Dye: (#000000), (0, 0, 0)

Done with MS Paint.

Bonus! Here are the JSON results from your signs according to the Minecraft Wiki:

  • Red: (#FF5555), (255, 85, 85)
  • Dark Red: (#AA0000), (170, 0, 0)
  • Gold: (#FFAA00), (255, 170, 0)
  • Yellow: (#FFFF55), (255, 255, 85)
  • Dark Green: (#00AA00), (0, 170, 0)
  • Green: (#55FF55), (85, 255, 85)
  • Dark Blue: (#0000AA), (0, 0, 170)
  • Blue: (#5555FF), (85, 85, 255)
  • Aqua: (#55FFFF), (85, 255, 255)
  • Dark Purple: (#AA00AA), (170, 0, 170)
  • Light Purple: (#FF55FF), (255, 85, 255)
  • White: (#FFFFFF), (255, 255, 255)
  • Gray: (#AAAAAA), (170, 170, 170)
  • Dark Gray: (#555555), (85, 85, 85)
  • Black: (#000000), (0, 0, 0)