How much experience does the enemy get when we deny a creep

How much experience does the enemy get when we deny a creep? (if any)

And How much do we get? (if any)

Solution 1:

Patch 7.07

Denied XP granted to the enemy (the player being denied) reduced from 70% to 25%.
Denied XP gained by the denier reduced from 30% to 25%.
Neutrals killing lane creeps is now considered the same as the enemy creeps killing them—it's not a deny, and gives full XP. You must deny the creep yourself to deny its XP.

Solution 2:

As of Patch 7.07c (current)

             | Normal | Denier | Enemy |
       Melee |     57 |     14 |    14 |
      Ranged |     69 |     17 |    17 |
       Siege |     88 |     22 |    22 |
 Any player- |    100%|      0%|     0%|
  controlled |        |        |       |

Source: Gamepedia