Aliases in subshell / child process

I set up aliases in /etc/profile.d/ for each login shell. But if I run, I can't use that alias. How can I set alias even for subshells or child processes ?


alias rmvr='rm -rv';
alias cprv='cp -rv';
alias mvrv='mv -rv';

Solution 1:

Aliases are not inherited. That's why they are traditionally set in bashrc and not profile. Source your from your .bashrc or the system-wide one instead.

Solution 2:

If you want them to be inherited to sub-shells, use functions instead. Those can be exported to the environment (export -f), and sub-shells will then have those functions defined.

So, for one of your examples:

rmvr() { rm -rv "$@"; }
export -f rmvr

If you have a bunch of them, then set for export first:

set -a # export the following funcs
rmvr() { rm -rv "$@"; }
cpvr() { cp -rv "$@"; }
mvrv() { mv -rv "$@"; }
set +a # stop exporting