How do I quit telnet without using standard Ctrl+] combination?

Solution 1:

Not sure what layout you have, but for me in Finnish layout it is Ctrl + å.

Solution 2:

Type Ctrl+] to enter the telnet menu, then enter quit. For more commands, see man telnet.

Edit: Haven't noticed that you can't type Ctrl+], but I would be surprised if there isn't a way to type that with every keyboard. But you can change the escape character with the commandline option -e [char].

Solution 3:

To make it more fun it depends on your layout a lot:

(Remember on a Mac Ctrl is your key)

  • Default: Ctrl+[
  • Dutch, Belgian: Ctrl+$
  • French: Ctrl+6
  • Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish: Ctrl+å
  • Swiss: Ctrl+¨
  • German: Ctrl+ü
  • Hungarian: Ctrl+5
  • Portuguese: Ctrl+´
  • Canadian French: Ctrl+ç

then enter quit.

For more commands, see man telnet.