x86_64 - Assembly - loop conditions and out of order

When optimizing for Intel CPUs, always put the flag-setting instruction right before the conditional jump instruction (if it's one of the simple ones listed in the table below), so they can macro-fuse into one uop in the decoders.

Doing this is not significantly worse for older CPUs that don't do macro-fusion. Putting the flag-setting earlier might shorten the branch mispredict penalty by one for such CPUs, but out-of-order execution means that moving the dec a couple instruction earlier won't make a real difference. See also Avoid stalling pipeline by calculating conditional early. To really make a difference, you do stuff like unroll the loop and/or branch on something that can be calculated more simply, ideally without a dependency on a slow input, so OoO exec can have the branch already resolved while working on older iterations of the loop body. i.e. the loop counter dep-chain can run ahead of the main work.

I don't have benchmarks, but I don't think the small downside on increasingly-rare CPUs justifies missing out on the front-end throughput benefit (decode and issue) for CPUs that do fusion. Total uop throughput can often be a bottleneck.

AMD Bulldozer/Piledriver/Steamroller can fuse test/cmp with any jcc, but only test/cmp, not any other ALU instructions. So definitely put compares with branches. It's still valuable for Intel CPUs to put other things with branches if they can macro-fuse on sandybridge-family.

From Agner Fog's microarch guide, Table 9.2 (for Sandybridge / Ivybridge):

First       | can pair with these  |  cannot pair with
instruction | (and the inverse)    |
cmp         |jz, jc, jb, ja, jl, jg|   js, jp, jo
add, sub    |jz, jc, jb, ja, jl, jg|   js, jp, jo
adc, sbb    |none                  |
inc, dec    |jz, jl, jg            |   jc, jb, ja, js, jp, jo
test        | all                  |
and         | all                  |
or, xor, not, neg | none           |
shift, rotate     | none           |

Table 9.2. Instruction fusion

So basically, inc/dec can macro-fuse with a jcc as long as the condition only depends on bits that are modified by inc/dec.

(Otherwise, they don't macro-fuse, and you get an extra uop inserted to merge the flags (like when you read eax after writing al). Or on earlier CPUs, a partial-flags stall.)

Core2 / Nehalem was more limited in macro-fusion capability (just for CMP/TEST with more limited JCC combinations), and Core2 couldn't macro-fuse in 64bit mode at all.

Read Agner Fog's optimizing asm and C guides, too, if you haven't already. They're full of essential knowledge.