Decode gzipped web page retrieved via cURL in PHP

I'm retrieving a gzipped web page via curl, but when I output the retrieved content to the browser I just get the raw gzipped data. How can I decode the data in PHP?

One method I found was to write the content to a tmp file and then ...

$f = gzopen($filename,"r");
$content = gzread($filename,250000);

.... but man, there's got to be a better way.

Edit: This isn't a file, but a gzipped html page returned by a web server.

Solution 1:

I use curl and:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");

Solution 2:

Versatile GUNZIP function:

   function gunzip($zipped) {
      $offset = 0;
      if (substr($zipped,0,2) == "\x1f\x8b")
         $offset = 2;
      if (substr($zipped,$offset,1) == "\x08")  {
         # file_put_contents("tmp.gz", substr($zipped, $offset - 2));
         return gzinflate(substr($zipped, $offset + 8));
      return "Unknown Format";

Example of integrating function with CURL:

      $headers_enabled = 1;
      curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER,  $headers_enabled)
      $ret = curl_exec($c);

      if ($headers_enabled) {
         # file_put_contents("preungzip.html", $ret);

         $sections = explode("\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a", $ret, 2);
         while (!strncmp($sections[1], 'HTTP/', 5)) {
            $sections = explode("\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a", $sections[1], 2);
         $headers = $sections[0];
         $data = $sections[1];

         if (preg_match('/^Content-Encoding: gzip/mi', $headers)) {
            printf("gzip header found\n");
            return gunzip($data);

      return $ret;