How do I run the iPad simulator to test a website on my mac

I've developed a web app which is having some weird issues on iOS safari on my iPad.

I've never developed an iOS app, although I am a developer (c#) and have downloaded the latest xcode dev tools (just never got round to it).

Is there an easy way to just get the iPad sim up and start browsing the web on it on my mac?


Solution 1:

Install XCode, then the simulator is located at /Applications/ Once it's running, go to Hardware -> Device, then pick the iOS version and device. It will boot up, then you can start Safari.

Update: is now a package rather than a folder. In Finder, option/right click on and select 'Show Package Contents', then follow the path down from there.

Solution 2:

In recent versions of Xcode it can be found here:


Solution 3:

In Xcode 6.1.1 (Yosemite & Mavericks) it can be found here:

/Applications/ Simulator