Quick Look sometimes shows blank panel in Mavericks [duplicate]

Solution 1:


defaults delete com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection; killall Finder


Solution 2:

It seems this fixed it for me:

defaults delete com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection && killall Finder

I turned text selection in the Quick Look Window on a long time ago. After disabling it, the bug is gone

Solution 3:

I do not have that Bug on my MBA 10.9.2

I see you use the XEE as your default app for .jpg and others?

There might be a conflict so try disabling the XEE app.

Solution 4:

I just found an interesting workaround for comparing two images or just getting an image to show up: press alt to show image at 100% (and cmd to return image to fit in quick look frame). Even if the image has gone blank, this makes it come back for me.

Also, if I'm moving between to files (up and down) and they each keep going blank, I can press alt (while in quick look), go to the next image and press alt, and now Finder lets me go between the two images fine.

It's not a great fix since it's very temporary, but when all you want to do is see the darn picture, this really helps.


Solution 5:

FINALLY! Woohoo! This fixed it!

defaults delete com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection; killall Finder

If I had a list of photographs, all with different sizes, going back one image would show the white screen, if i went back a couple more, the images would show up. Going fwd one image would do the same thing. Very consistant, I've tried many fixes.

The fix above is the only thing that's worked. Yeah, finally!