Good Shibboleth tutorials out there? [closed]

I am looking into using Shibboleth for authentication of webapplications at my organisation. I am very new to this subject and would like to read through some good tutorials, hands-on-lessons or whatever is out there to help newbies getting to know Shibboleth.

But so far I have not been able to find any tutorials that contain specific examples for each steps. I would like to get a running setup up somehow so I will be able to play around with it...

What I have found up to now: Official Documentation for Shibboleth 2 --

I would appreciate any hints you can give me about additional information to Shibboleth.

Edit - more info:
The service provider is a Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS.

The Swiss NREN has a good documentation on this topic:

You will also need to understand the concepts and the SHIB2 wiki is good for that. Will you run your own Identity Provider? else you only need to install an Service Provider which is easier.

UPDATE: For ubuntu you will need this to install. You do not need to compile it from source. (Well, you should not.)

apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2

SimpleSAMLphp supports Shibboleth and looks easier to install and configure than using mod_shib2. provides some good instructions, and they link to relevant portions of .

They also provide a IdP and SP service to test different aspects of your Shibboleth installation.

This is one of the best things out there. The problem is that Shibboleth tries to be flexible so that it can work with different organizations, each with their own authentication schemes. This means that Shibboleth has many configuration options, which can be overwhelming for people new to Shibboleth.

The official tutorial is a little difficult to follow because you have to switch between the IdP and the SP. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide and is very useful:

(Disclaimer: I manage the site and one of our group members wrote the tutorial.)