Is there a word for 'a person who is always hungry'? [closed]

Solution 1:

Consider insatiable [appetite].

Insatiable means:

always wanting more : not able to be satisfied (MW)

Impossible to satiate or satisfy: an insatiable appetite (TFD)

For example,

Most children like to eat but for some an insatiable appetite means they always want more, causing real problems for parents. (BBC)

The woman is insatiable. When the final whistle blows, she's eaten twenty-three sandwiches in ten minutes, setting a world record (Eat this Book)

[Children] may go through phases where they seem to eat relatively little or are insatiable. (Feeding the Under 5s)

Solution 2:

There are lots of other answers here already, but none seems to have brought up the colorful folk idiom hollow leg.

Wiktionary glosses with some quotations, of which I here reproduce the first, which sufficiently illustrates how the expression is used (so-and-so has a hollow leg):

Capacity to eat large quantities

  • 1998, Barbara Kingsolver, The Bean Trees, page 228: When I was young and growing a lot, and Mama couldn't feed me enough, she used to say I had a hollow leg.

Urban Dictionary glosses:

Imaginary reservoir for one who overindulges in liquor, food, etc. without showing signs of effect.

Solution 3:

"Voracious" derives from the Latin for devour (which also gives words like carnivore and omnivore).

Voracious: having or showing a tendency to eat very large amounts of food

(To me this seems like one of the less judgment-laden word choices.)