Bash script with execute permissions won't run with double click [duplicate]

  1. Open Nautilus.
  2. Go to FilePreferences (in Ubuntu 14.04, you might find it under EditPreferences).

    enter image description here

  3. Go to the Behavior tab and click on Run executable text files when they are opened.

    enter image description here

    Or, choose Ask each time to be prompted every time you double click.

As mentioned in this blog post here,

Open file explorer Files. Press Alt+F10 and select Preferences. It should show something like this

enter image description here

In the Behavior tab, select Ask each time and close it. By default, it will be in View executable text files when they are opened. Now whenever you double click on a shell script, it will ask you what to do. If you want to straight away execute the script, select the first option Run executable text files when they are opened