The battery indicator in Unity panel not showing up

I installed Ubuntu 12.04 with Wubi. Well after being completely dazzled with the amount of free content in the Software Centre, I decided to go deeper and start messing with settings. Well after changing the screen brightness the highest level I noticed that there wasn't an indicator for how much battery was left in my laptop. I looked up online on got 2 suggestions on how to fix:

  • Right click on the Unity panel and add an indicator
  • Set it to show in the power settings menu.

Well I did both when I right click at the top menu nothing comes up and setting it to show does nothing either. Then I tried installing something in the Software Centre. I got something but when I activated it it said I had 0% power left even though I was charging and at %100 according the Light in the front of my laptop. So now I'm thinking that it doesn't even recognise my computer as a laptop which is weird because in the display settings it says my screen size is set to laptop.

How can I install it?

I don't know what version it is other then Ubuntu 12.04 and no matter what the icon does not appear with the

I'm not sure if Beeju meant Power or Power Manager. In any case, I was able to solve this problem by:

Click on the power button in the top right hand corner select: System Settings... > Power > Show battery status in the menu bar > Change to When battery is charging/in use


Restart, go back to System Settings... > Power a bunch more options are now avaialble.

Run the Power Manager and see this checked: Show notifications to notify about the battery state. This should solve your issue.

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

enter image description here

Battery indicator should run with the Unity Panel, but sometimes is inhibited for strange reasons.

You can try to force the daemon to run, writing gnome-settings-daemon in the terminal.

If it works, and you see the battery indicator in the panel, you can add the command to the Startup Applications.

How do I start applications automatically on login?

It work great for me, I hope it can help you!