"high-end clientele" is to "low-end clientele" as "carriage trade" is to what?

Is there a phrase in English that works as a direct antonym to the idiomatic carriage trade, that is, the wealthy patrons of a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.; the elite clientele?

carriage trade: [mass noun] North American informal The wealthy clientele of a business: determined to pursue the carriage trade, she quickly established an old-girl network (Source: ODO)

carriage: A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design. (Source: AHD)

I came across the phrase bargain-basement while researching for an appropriate answer.

(adj.) markedly inexpensive (bargain–basement rates)

[Merriam Webster]

From The 8 Steps: Your Business or Your Life - Getting All You Want Out of BOTH:: By David Shepherd, customers can be broadly classified into 4 groups (The Harvard Model):

enter image description here

Thus, I feel bargain-basement customers would better suit your context.

I just came across the answer to my own question while searching the Net.

high-end clientele is to low-end clientele as carriage trade is to coach trade.

The railroad recognizes that the change in dining car patronage from the carriage trade to the coach trade necessarily shifts the emphasis from high-priced meals to lower-priced dishes Railway Age - Volume 146 - Page 27

coach class: n. An economical class of passenger accommodations on a commercial airplane or other conveyance. American Heritage® Dictionary

coach: A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach. American Heritage® Dictionary