Ignoring God or lack of worship [closed]

Is there a single word for the act of a believer temporarily ignoring, or failing to worship, (any) God?

For instance: "God is becoming vengeful due to your [lack of worship]."

God is becoming vengeful due to your lack of piety.

This implies lack of actions, not lack of belief; the protagonist is not necessarily an atheist or an apostate.

From wikipedia piety is

noun - spiritual terminology, piety is a virtue that may include religious devotion, spirituality, or a mixture of both.


The word piety comes from the Latin word pietas, the noun form of the adjective pius (which means "devout" or "dutiful"). Pietas in traditional Latin usage expressed a complex, highly valued Roman virtue; a man with pietas respected his responsibilities to gods, country, parents, and kin.

"God is becoming vengeful due to your backsliding".

backslide: to lapse morally or in the practice of religion

Here are three words:

  1. Apostate, Apostacy. One who abandons or renounces religious belief.
  2. Recusant, Recusancy. One who refuses to attend church services.
  3. Reprobate, Reprobation. Original Greek meaning, one who knew the truth in the past but has fully abandoned their faith, the final state of an Apostate. See this post on "What does it mean to have a reprobate mind?" from GotQuestions.org.