I've played a bit with Minecraft Windows 10 edition which is awesome fast and fluid.

I've then tried the demo version of the original game, but it happens to feel laggy.

What I don't understand, is that the FPS counter ingame (F3) shows a nearly constant 60FPS (drop sometimes to 59).

My screen is a 60hz screen, so I don't understand why the game feels so slow.

Is the FPS counter in the game accurate ?

My hardware is a decent laptop Core I7 6700HQ, 16GB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M.

I also tweaked the computer with:

  • JVM arguments to increase RAM
  • installed latest Java runtime, and made the minecraft launcher use this
  • setup in the NVIDIA control panel to use the GPU and not CPU on the javaw process (F3 shows me the correct GPU)

Solution 1:

You may want to take a look at your settings specifically the graphics/video ones. Often small tweeks to these can make a significant difference in lag.