Who was the creative writer for Mass Effect 3: Citadel?

I'm trying to find out who was the writer for the DLC Citadel for ME3.

Especially the Identity Theft quest series was a firework of references and humour and I'd love to read/see/game more of the writer of it.

Who was the creative writer for Mass Effect 3: Citadel?

Solution 1:

The credits list seven writers: Brianne Battye, John Dombrow, Chris Hepler, Cathleen Rootsaert, Mac Walters, Jay Watamaniuk, and Patrick Weekes. They are listed in alphabetical order, not in an order of rank/seniority/contribution.

In all seven cases, these writers have worked on various Bioware games. It seems a little obvious in hindsight, but the best place to find similar writing would be the same studio, i.e. the Dragon Age series.

Source: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/mass-effect-3-citadel/credits, but if anyone asks I watched through the end credits myself.