What is a word for someone who tends not to think too much about life? [closed]

What is a word for someone who tends not to think too deeply; often about life, themselves or the world (something more neutral than "shallow" or "oblivious")? Perhaps my difficulty is that i personally don't think that not thinking is a neutral characteristic. Plus, the type of person i am trying to describe does not necessarily take life with ease or serenity. The word i seek is more about thought-life, than temperament. A non-thinking person can still have a negative, angry, unpleasant (etc.) outlook on life, they just don't question it.

I'd say such a person is happy-go-lucky

A happy-go-lucky ​person does not ​plan much and ​accepts what ​happens without ​becoming ​worried.

[Cambridge Online]

It implies that they are carefree and accept life the way it is.

Carefree is a viable option that I use myself.

[a :  having no worries or troubles]


She has a carefree attitude toward life.

Unreflecting is defined as "not engaging in reflection or thought" (here). Unreflective is a variant that works nicely for what you want.