Swagger API which is having query string

You can't describe query parameters as part of the path in Swagger. You have to declare those explicitly as query parameters.

               "Search Text"
            "summary":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
            "description":"Get Products by searching text, countrycode, page number, pagesize, project and country(optional)",
                  "description":"The Product that needs to be fetched",
                  "description":"The Product locale needs to be fetched. Example=en-GB, fr-FR, etc.",
                  "description":"The Product PageSize that needs to be fetched. Example=10, 20 etc.",
                  "description":"The Product pageNo that needs to be fetched. Example=1,2 etc.",
                  "description":"The Project that needs to be fetched. Example=Mypact, DSL etc.",
                  "description":"The Country that needs to be fetched. Example=France, India etc.",
                  "description":"successful operation",
                  "description":"Invalid Product_id supplied"
                  "description":"Product not found"

Your IN parameter needs to be "query" not "path"

This should work:

"parameters": [
    "description":"The Country that needs to be fetched. Example=France, India etc.",