SoftEther does not connect over TCP after reinstalling Windows

I am using SoftEther VPN for a long time. Recently I have reinstalled the Windows and it does not connect using TCP, and just connects over UDP.

When I try to connect over TCP, the software instantly (it is so fast, that I believe it doesn't try to reach over network, and it is local problem!) shows following error message:

Error (Error Code 2):
Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server.

I shall mention that I have encountered this problem once before, and at that time reinstalling the windows solved the problem (and I didn't get the real problem). But now even in the refresh installation it does not work.

I am using Windows 8.1.

This problem occurs when other application already using same port that use SoftEther. The solution is to remover terminate that application which is using port 443,992,1194,5555,8888.