sync network drive with onedrive

I have been using the HP MediaSmart HomeServer for a few years as my network file server. I have been working with SkyDrive (now OneDrive), and is trying to use OneDrive as my file server. I took on the 200 GB storage from Microsoft for a year and cannot synchronize OneDrive with my network file server.

All I need is daily and not real time synchronization between Onedrive and the network file server. I tried synchronizing the network files to a local desktop using SyncToy, but have to do it manually each time. I have also synchronize the network files from the local desktop to OneDrive. This process is so cumbersome since I have to do it daily or weekly. There must be a simpler way to have the synchronize the OneDrive files with the network file server. There is not a whole lot of help from the Microsoft OneDrive website to do what I want.

I hope that someone within this forum can help me! Thanks in advance! Joe

This is a little late, but may help others search around. OneDrive does not want any part of a network drive, but you can trick it into using a mapped network drive as its primary storage by creating a Symbolic link. Here's the quick and dirty steps:

  1. Create folder on the root of your C drive (e.g. C:\Share)
  2. Create a folder inside of that called something like OneDrive (e.g. C:\Share\OneDrive)
  3. Open up the OneDrive interface, and point it to your newly created folder.
  4. Kill OneDrive
  5. Delete the Share folder inside of C:\
  6. Open an elevated command prompt (go to Start -> Type in CMD -> Right Click and Run as Admin)
  7. Now, we'll create a symbolic link by typing in mklink /d c:\Share\ \\path\to\ where \\path\to\ is the folder containing your OneDrive folder.
  8. Restart OneDrive application and you're done!

If it doesn't seem like it's doing anything, don't fret, mine took a couple hours before it started uploading at a rather pathetic pace. I'm at two days so far and only 2GB uploaded (my bandwith is capable of uploading ~40GB per day).

I've tried the code above and some worked for me, too, but they look so complicated.
During the "how to" journey I discovered some tricks to make it work quite simple.

  1. If you are using a Windows Machine download to install SymLink Creator, it's free.

  2. Let's suppose your "Onedrive - Folder" is located at C:\Onedrive - Folder and your network folder is already mapped as Z:\ on your computer.

  3. Create a folder inside C:\Onedrive - Folder\ called TEST.

  4. Open Symlink Creator and Choose "Directory Symbolic Link". As destination choose C:\Onedrive - Folder\TEST and as Source: Z:\.

  5. Click on "Create" and go take a coffee.

Use GoodSync. AutoSync in Background & It'll sync from folder to folder or device to device. Supports major sharing protocols & many cloud services.