Script won't for more than one group when looking at results of whoami command

Trying to setup IF/ELSE on a script whereby it checks for two conditions to be met before the script runs:

  1. Check if the following file exists on the desktop. ($FileExists)
  2. Check if the user is a member of only one group containing 6 digits it's group name. ($GroupCount)

Continue if the results of whoami /groups yields only one result where group name contains _6digits


Do not continue if the results of whoami /groups shows more than one result where group name contains _6digits


I've used -le 1 but I don't think I'm going about it the correct way? A bit stumped and would greatly appreciate if someone could help me see where it's gone wrong?

Currently, the script jumps to exit when I run it from a user that should satisfy the equal to 1 or less condition (only a member of one group containing _6digits).

$WantFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\myfile.lnk"
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
$Groups = WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv
$GroupCount = $Groups.'Group Name'.Where{ $Groups -match '(_\d{6}){1}'} -le 1

If ($FileExists -eq $False -And $GroupCount -eq $True)


Write-Host "Carry on script"


Else {

Write-Host "Exit the script"


Solution 1:

Thank you Reddy Lutonadio for the guidance on this.

After testing this is what worked for me:

$WantFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\myfile.lnk"
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
$Groups = WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv
$GroupResults = $Groups.'Group Name'.Where{ $_ -match '(_\d{6}){1}'}

If ($FileExists -eq $False -And $GroupResults.count -eq 1)


Write-Host "Carry on script"


Else {

Write-Host "Exit the script"


Adding .count to the end of $GroupResults within the If statement allowed me to use eq 1