Which data structure would you use: TreeMap or HashMap? (Java) [duplicate]

Solution 1:

TreeMap seems a no-brainer to me - simply because of the "in alphabetical order" requirement. HashMap has no ordering when you iterate through it; TreeMap iterates in the natural key order.

EDIT: I think Konrad's comment may have been suggesting "use HashMap, then sort." This is good because although we'll have N iterations initially, we'll have K <= N keys by the end due to duplicates. We might as well save the expensive bit (sorting) until the end when we've got fewer keys than take the small-but-non-constant hit of keeping it sorted as we go.

Having said that, I'm sticking to my answer for the moment: because it's the simplest way of achieving the goal. We don't really know that the OP is particularly worried about performance, but the question implies that he's concerned about the elegance and brevity. Using a TreeMap makes this incredibly brief, which appeals to me. I suspect that if performance is really an issue, there may be a better way of attacking it than either TreeMap or HashMap :)

Solution 2:

TreeMap beats HashMap because TreeMap is already sorted for you.

However, you might want to consider using a more appropriate data structure, a bag. See Commons Collections - and the TreeBag class:

This has a nice optimised internal structure and API:

int count = bag.getCount("big")

EDIT: The question of HashMap vs TreeMap performance was answered by Jon - HashMap and sort may be quicker (try it!), but TreeBag is easier. The same is true for bags. There is a HashBag as well as a TreeBag. Based on the implementation (uses a mutable integer) a bag should outperform the equivalent plain map of Integer. The only way to know for sure is to test, as with any performance question.

Solution 3:

I see quite a few people saying "TreeMap look-up takes O(n log n)"!! How come?

I don't know how it has been implemented but in my head it takes O(log n).

This is because look-up in a tree can be done in O(log n). You don't sort the entire tree every time you insert an item in it. That's the whole idea of using a tree!

Hence, going back to the original question, the figures for comparison turn out to be:

HashMap approach: O(n + k log k) average case, worst case could be much larger

TreeMap approach: O(k + n log k) worst case

where n = number of words in the text , k = number of distinct words in the text.

Solution 4:

Hash map should be much faster. You should not choose a container based on how you want the items to be arranged eventually; Just sort the list of (word, frequency)-pairs at the end. There will usually be less such pairs to be sorted than words in the files, so asymptotic (and real) performance with a hash map will be better.