Install Zathura on macOS 10.10.2
Solution 1:
Since this question and answer is about 6 years old, here's a current method for Big Sur as of writing (expanding on my edit of this answer on Ask Different).
I originally tried to compile it using the suggested method in the documentation which is this MacPorts port. Although it compiles, it gives the error Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display
when running. There are fixes for other ports of programs with the same error but instead, I found a Homebrew tap which installs it without issues.
To install:
brew tap zegervdv/zathura
brew install zathura
brew install zathura-pdf-mupdf
mkdir -p $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura
ln -s $(brew --prefix zathura-pdf-mupdf)/libpdf-mupdf.dylib $(brew --prefix zathura)/lib/zathura/libpdf-mupdf.dylib
There is work to integrate the program better into macOS but it's still in development - see here.