PowerShell Export-csv writes empty string for a NULL database value. Can it be told to write nothing?

Import-Csv always returns blank strings, but there are plenty of ways to set those values to $null if they're empty. For example, here I check for blank values before joining them:

Import-Csv a.csv | ForEach-Object {
    # convert empty strings to null
    $allValues = '"' + (($_.Psobject.Properties.Value | ForEach-Object { 
        if($_){"'$_'"} else{''} }) -join ',') + '"'
    Invoke-Sqlcmd ("INSERT INTO TableATemporary VALUES $allValues")

Now it no longer sets empty strings in $allvalues:


I recommend using Write-SqlTableData for importing rather than running sqlcmd for each row, but it's just an efficiency thing.