Find an unknown static IP + subnet mask of device?

I have a device set with a static IP and subnet mask. I do not know the IP or subnet mask. How can I find the devices IP and subnet mask?

It is a piece of hardware, not a PC. It will not take an IP from DHCP. I have also tried directly plugging in a LAN cable from my PC to the device with Wireshark running to see if I could capture any packets from the device when it starts or has an Ethernet cable plugged in to it – but there appears to be nothing.

The device appears to be working as it flashes on the Ethernet ports.

Is there any software to do pingsweeps across IPs and networks?

3 steps

  1. Download, install and start wireshark
  2. Connect the device to the computer with the cable
  3. Restart the device (unplug and plug it back to the power line)

In case the device has a static IP, it should(might) broadcast it's IP on the network, which you should detect with the wireshark.

In case the device has dynamic IP set up, it will ask for an IP adress, in which case connecting it to a router or a computer with DHCP server will resolve the issue.

Note, just today I've seen the sys admin use these steps to find out an unknown IP from the device :)

You could try Angry IP Scanner or, if you have a Linux server, use arp-scan.

I recommend netdiscover. You can use it in passive listening mode and detect incoming ARP announcements (using the -p switch) , or just apply some brute force:

netdiscover -S -f -i eth0

Note that this is incredibly fast compared to nmap (maybe I did not tune nmap well enough).

Also that the method suggested in the currently accepted answer (sniffing for ARP announcements using Wireshark) essentially is what the -p mode is doing.

Try this command, it will ping all possible broadcast addresses.
