How do I find the path to a program in Terminal?

I installed an application and now I can access it via terminal as myapplication. It is an alias, though. How can I find the full path to the file?

You can use type and which to determine what a certain command in bash is, and, if it's an application, where it resides.

$ type type
type is a shell builtin
$ type cd
cd is a shell builtin
$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'
$ type -P ls
$ which which
$ which ls

The commands which and type -P only work for programs on your PATH, of course, but you won't be able to run others by just typing their command name anyway.

If you're looking for a simple way to determine where an OS X (GUI) application bundle is installed (as used e.g. by the open command), you can execute the following short AppleScript from the command line:

$ osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to POSIX path of (file of process "Safari" as alias)'

This requires that the program in question (Safari in the example) is running.

If the program is running, you can call

ps -ef | grep PROGRAM

This is the method I currently to locate the Firefox application directory in OSX and Linux. Should be easy to adopt to another application. Tested on OSX 10.7, Ubuntu 12.04, Debian Jessie


# Array of possible Firefox application names.
appnames=("IceWeasel" "Firefox")    # "Firefox" "IceWeasel" "etc

# Calls lsregister -dump and parses the output for "/", etc.
# Returns the very first result found.
function get_osx_ffdir()
    # OSX Array of possible lsregister command locations
    # I'm only aware of this one currently

    for i in "${lsregs[@]}"; do
        for j in ${appnames[@]}; do
            if [ -f $i ]; then
                # Some logic to parse the output from lsregister
                ffdir=$($i -dump |grep -E "/$$" |cut -d'/' -f2- |head -1)
                return 0
    return 1

# Uses "which" and "readlink" to locate firefox on Linux, etc
function get_ffdir()
    for i in "${appnames[@]}"; do
        # Convert "Firefox" to "firefox", etc
        lower=$(echo "$i" |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
        # Readlink uses the symlink to find the actual install location
        # will need to be removed for non-symlinked applications
        exec=$(readlink -f "$(which $lower)")
        # Assume the binary's parent folder is the actual application location
        ffdir=$(echo "$exec" |rev |cut -d'/' -f2- |rev)
        if [ -f "$ffdir" ]; then
            return 0
    return 1


echo "Searching for Firefox..."

if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
    # Mac OSX
    # Linux, etc

echo "Found application here: $ffdir"

# TODO: Process failures, i.e. "$ffdir" == "" or "$?" != "0", etc