: colon command for bash

Solution 1:

: is a shell builtin that is basically equivalent to the true command. It is often used as a no-op eg after an if statement. You can read more about it in this question from stack overflow.

The ${varname=value} basically means set the value of $varname to value if $varname is not already set, and then return the value of $varname. Though if you try to run that at the command line it will try to run the value returned. Putting the : in front as a no-op prevents bash from trying to run the value.

Note there are two slightly different forms:


sets varname to value if varname is either unset or null.


only sets the value of varname if varname is currently unset (i.e., it will not change varname from "" to value)

(Thank you to chepner for clarifying that in a comment).

Someone else referencing this method