Can I gift a game on PSN? [duplicate]

As the title suggest, I'd like to buy a game for someone on the PSN and send it to them or allow them to download it, is this possible?

This question has already been asked here:

Can I gift a game via the PlayStation Network?

And the answer was No. But that was 4 years ago.

I'm hoping something has changed since then.

According to what I've found out by trying an googling. It's still not possible, there are some workarounds but you can't actually gift a game on the psn.

Possible workarounds:

  • Buy the game and send him the code
  • Give him money so he can buy the game
  • Buy a PSN card with x money on it and give it to him

Those are the only ways I can think of or I can find of which you can give your friend a game on the playstation.