What is a good attack strategy for town hall 4?

I have town hall level four in Clash of Clans. I have level 5 barracks with 70 spaces in my army camp. I am having trouble raiding. I have tried 40 goblins and six giants. I have also tried 35 Archers and 35 Barbarians. None have been very effective. Can someone help me?

5% Wallbreaker, 15% Giants(as meat shield),30% Archers and rest all are barbarians.I wouldn't use goblins unless their level 3+ so it is suggested no to use them.

As for raiding,send out Giants first(they have a lot of HP) then wallbreakers to have an open space for your barbarians to raid in,archers then take over destroying the resources.

Hope this will be of help :) Clash On!👊