Is there an online name demangler for C++? [closed]

I'm getting a fairly long and confusing link error, and would love it if I could just paste it into some textbox on some website and have the names un-mangled for me.

Does anyone know of such a service?

I have created such an online serivice:

This is a gcc c++ symbol demangler. You just copy a stack trace, or the output of nm into a text box, and it will return the output with the names demangled.

@Update: It now demangles MSVC and Java symbols also.

This might be a bit late, but I created one, based on this question. It works with the inputs I tried on, supports g++ and msvc++ via __cxa_demangle and __unDName, compiled to Javascript via Emscripten. Hope this helps someone: c++filtjs

Edit: Fixed escaping problem

Most (if not all) C++ compilers come with c++filt tool which does precisely what you apparently looking for.

If you want it at the mouse click... well write a GUI for it ;)