Async trait methods with associated return type and dynamic dispatch

There are 2 issues here.

First, for a async trait to have default implementations, it requires that the trait itself have Send or Sync (depending on the receiver type) as a supertrait (there is a brief explanation in the "dyn traits" section of the readme for the crate:

Second the connect function is not object safe, because its return type is an associated function. This is nothing to do with async-ness, it's an object safety concern. This simplified example has the same issue:

fn main() {
   let x: Box<dyn Foo<Bar = ()>> = Box::new(());

trait Foo {
    type Bar;

    fn connect() -> Self::Bar;

impl Foo for () {
    type Bar = ();

    fn new() -> Self::Bar {

However, you're unlikely to want to invoke connect on a trait object, since it has no self parameter. Instead, you can opt that specific function out of the trait object by adding the Self: Sized constraint to connect.

You can then create a trait object, but connect won't be available.