Calculating the average of variably sized blocks of numbers within a column?
In column A
I have a set of numbers (over 1,000), and I want to get an average of a block of them at a time, (e.g., 10, so A1:A10
then A11:A20
and so on) and write these averages into column B
, such that B1
contains the average of the first block, B2
the second block and so on.
Then, in C1
I would like to have a value which defines the number of rows each average should consider (e.g., 10 = A1:A10
... and 25 = A1:A25
... and so on).
When I change the value of C1
I want column B
to update automatically to average using the new block sizes.
How should I go about doing this?
You can do it without using VBA. Enter the following formula in B1 and fill down to the last row of Column A:
=IFERROR(AVERAGE(INDIRECT("A" & $C$1*(ROW()-1)+1 & ":A" & ROW()*$C$1)),"")
This code will work, assuming you have value in column A (starting in row 1) and input value is in C1.
Sub GetAverages()
Dim avgCount As Integer, numberRng As Range
Set numberRng = Range("A1:A" & Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row)
avgCount = Range("C1").Value
For cl = avgCount To (numberRng.Rows.Count - (numberRng.Rows.Count Mod avgCount)) Step avgCount
Cells(cl, 2) = WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("A" & cl - (avgCount - 1) & ":A" & cl))
Next cl
End Sub
Note this will only compute an average where there are enough values e.g. if you enter 5 in C1 and you have only have values for A1:A13 then you only get averages for A1:A5 and A6:A10
Hope this helps
In a module;
Function roll()
Dim i As Long
Dim total As Double
Dim groupSize As Long
groupSize = Range("C1").Value
If 0 = Application.Caller.Row Mod groupSize Then
For i = 0 To groupSize - 1
total = total + Application.Caller.Offset(-i, -1).Value
roll = total / groupSize
roll = ""
End If
End Function
put 10
in C1
, and in B1
put =roll()
and drag down/double-corner-click.