How can I get rid of this mod on CoD: World at War PS3?

I was playing online Team Deathmach on Call Of Duty World at War, and someone 'modded' me and my game was patched. On the screen, it popped up with

Please enjoy this patch

and the next thing I knew my game was modded.

Now everytime I enter a match I get these for different class options which are all just my PSN name in various colors:

The 'choose class' screen

As you can see there are 4 modded class options. I don't like it and want to get rid of it. How can I reset my game or otherwise remove this mod?

Solution 1:

Well there honestly is not much you can do. Activision support will do NOTHING AT ALL, and they will never do anything for this game. When you get infected like you did then closing the game or turning off your console usually does the trick, if it remains after than you can try changing the names of custom classes and seeing if they are still editable. Prestiging will also reset your custom classes. If the modder deranks you to level -1, your only option is to install mods yourself and level yourself up in a private match or to get a friend or modder to level your account up in a private match.

The game has been in a modder-infested state for a while, it is at its worst on PS3 (lowest player population). If you really want to play multiplayer your best bet is PC, I have only ever seen a single cheater on PC as it uses players own servers, which have good anti-cheat and active moderators.