No signal to monitor after driver install

After installing 10.10 I used Hardware Drivers (Jockey) to install the graphics driver v11.2 for my ATI HD 5770.

After restarting to activate the driver all went well and the boot screen showed up but not like the normal one the text was rough on the edges and after the boot finished the screen turned black and no signal.

I have found some forum discussions about that issue but no fix worked for me. I use a DVI to VGA adapter and I have a View Sonic E70F CRT monitor.

this is the last thing i see before i get a no signal

i found a bug report at take a look

  • using sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the rebooted the screen came on
  • after the boot or splash screen the desktop resolution is 1152x864

  • I can't use the CCC "catalyst control center": msg popup

  • I can't enable desktop effects

I have found that my EDID in my monitor is corrupt and Ubuntu is not reading my monitor when I set it to defalut and gives me this error:

enter image description here

In windows the display is read as generic non-PnP monitor and it can live with that while Ubuntu can't. The error message is the right size when I set my display as default.

People told me i can put refresh rates horizontal and vertical and screen resolution in xorg. Am I on the right track? How can I do that?

There was a bug that had a problem with the ATI driver. The bug has now been fixed, so if you update it should now work, although I recommend you reconfigure your xorg.conf from scratch by moving the old one: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak

Link to the original bug:

The issue with Ubuntu is you need to manually specify in your drivers' control panel that "This monitor needs a signal, here's the specs".

On an nVidia system that I have, I have to connect the monitor, then open up the control panel for the nVidia system, hit 'Detect Monitors', and then I can configure what resolution and other options for the monitor. Note I've got a VGA monitor, but the same setup works for an HDMI connection (i.e. my desktop with an nVidia card connected to my 42 inch widescreen TV)