Intel Sandy Bridge no sound through HDMI

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 and I have an ASRock H67M-ITX/HT motherboard which is the Intel Sandy Bridge architecture.

I can't get sound to play through my TV on the HDMI interface. I have plugged in headphones and they work. I have also tried changing the device in sound preferences to the HDMI options provided

  • Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output
  • Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output + Analog Stereo Input
  • Digital Stereo Duplex (IEC958)
  • Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output + Analog Stereo Input

When I run the following command it plays sound fine.

aplay -D plughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

Solution 1:

I remember logging in and logging out after plugging in the HDMI device and changing the sound settings to HDMI Output seemed to help in my case.

Additionally, running 'alsamixer' in terminal seemed to have made a difference before.

Solution 2:

I seem to have a similar problem. Audio plays fine in flash (e.g. youtube) and in VLC when I specifically select ALSA audio output and select the correct device (hw:0,7 for me too), it appears that by default the system isn't using these settings.

I'll keep looking for a way of forcing the system to use these setting, but in the mean time hope you find the above vlc tip useful?

Solution 3:

I see that you tried selecting the correct options in the "Hardware" tab of Volume Preferences, but a couple times I've seen systems where you need to also choose the correct hardware in the "Output" tab. Could this help?