Is it possible to reduce sway when aiming with the Tranquilizer Rifle?

When aiming with the scope with the Tranquilizer Rifle there is a lot of sway, which can make aiming very difficult. Is there anyway to reduce or eliminate this sway?

Just did some testing.

The Aim Stabilizer completely eliminates any sway when fully upgraded, as well as eliminating crosshair growth while moving (which can be accomplished by using the laser sight weapon mod anyway). The Recoil Reducer only reduces the crosshair movement brought on by firing in long bursts, it doesn't affect sway in any way.

Yes. You need to buy the 2 Aim Stabilizing augments and you should install the Target Leading weapon mod in the tranq rifle.

The description for the stability mod says it reduces movement penalties to your aim. I take that to mean involuntary movements, the kind we all make, even when trying to be still. Since I purchased the augs, I have had no trouble aiming with the tranquilizer rifle.