Binding value to style

Solution 1:

Turns out the binding of style to a string doesn't work. The solution would be to bind the background of the style.

 <div class="circle" [style.background]="color">

Solution 2:

As of now (Jan 2017 / Angular > 2.0) you can use the following:

changeBackground(): any {
    return { 'background-color': this.color };


<div class="circle" [ngStyle]="changeBackground()">
    <!-- <content></content> --> <!-- content is now deprecated -->
    <ng-content><ng-content> <!-- Use ng-content instead -->

The shortest way is probably like this:

<div class="circle" [ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': color }">
    <!-- <content></content> --> <!-- content is now deprecated -->
    <ng-content><ng-content> <!-- Use ng-content instead -->

Solution 3:

I managed to make it work with alpha28 like this:

import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';

  selector: 'circle', 
  properties: ['color: color'],
    template: `<style>
        height: 50px;
        border-radius: 25px;
<div class="circle" [style.background-color]="changeBackground()">
export class Circle {


    changeBackground(): string {
        return this.color;

and called it like this <circle color='yellow'></circle>

Solution 4:

  • In your app.component.html use:

  • In app.ts declare variable of string type backcolor:string.

  • Set the variable this.backcolor="red".

Solution 5:

Try []="changeBackground()"