Deploying just HTML, CSS webpage to Tomcat
I am just getting started on developing a website. All I have at the moment is a HTML page supported by a couple of CSS stylesheets.
Can I create a WAR file from the HTML and CSS pages? How do I deploy them on to a Tomcat server?
There is no real need to create a war to run it from Tomcat. You can follow these steps
Create a folder in webapps folder e.g. MyApp
Put your html and css in that folder and name the html file, which you want to be the starting page for your application, index.html
Start tomcat and point your browser to url "http://localhost:8080/MyApp". Your index.html page will pop up in the browser
Here's my setup: I am on Ubuntu 9.10.
Now, Here's what I did.
- Create a folder named "tomcat6-myapp" in /usr/share.
- Create a folder "myapp" under /usr/share/tomcat6-myapp.
- Copy the HTML file (that I need to deploy) to /usr/share/tomcat6-myapp/myapp. It must be named index.html.
- Go to /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost.
Create an xml file "myapp.xml" (i guess it must have the same name as the name of the folder in step 2) inside /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost with the following contents.
< Context path="/myapp" docBase="/usr/share/tomcat6-myapp/myapp" />
This xml is called the 'Deployment Descriptor' which Tomcat reads and automatically deploys your app named "myapp".
Now go to http://localhost:8080/myapp in your browser - the index.html gets picked up by tomcat and is shown.
I hope this helps!
Here's my step in Ubuntu 16.04 and Tomcat 8.
Copy folder /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT to your folder.
cp -r /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/{yourfolder}
Add your html, css, js, to your folder.
Open "http://localhost:8080/{yourfolder}" in browser
If you using chrome web browser and did wrong folder before, then clean web browser's cache(or change another name) otherwise (sometimes) it always 404.
The folder META-INF with context.xml is needed.
If you want to create a .war file you can deploy to a Tomcat instance using the Manager app, create a folder, put all your files in that folder (including an index.html file) move your terminal window into that folder, and execute the following command:
zip -r <AppName>.war *
I've tested it with Tomcat 8 on the Mac, but it should work anywhere
(Answers are pretty old, so here's what worked for me on Ubuntu 20.04 Tomcat9) As root
cd /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps
mkdir -p myapp
cd myapp
cat >>index.html
<html><body>MY SIMPLE PAGE </body></html>
control-D # Press CONTROL+D to exit 'cat', create the file 'index.html'
systemctl restart tomcat9
In browser, use URL:
(Of course, you can make page fancier, add CSS, etc., etc.)