Where to find dictionaries for other languages for IntelliJ?

Solution 1:

Current IDEA versions load dictionaries in UTF-8, you don't need to convert them to the platform encoding, ignore the iconv step below.

The dictionary can be produced using aspell for Unix/Mac OS X or under Cygwin. You need to have aspell and appropriate dictionary installed.

Here is the example for Russian dictionary I've used:

aspell --lang ru-yeyo dump master | aspell --lang ru expand | tr ' ' '\n' > russian.dic

For German it would be:

aspell --lang de_DE dump master | aspell --lang de_DE expand | tr ' ' '\n' > de.dic

Solution 2:

I downloaded the ASCII spanish dictionary from this page, copied the included .dic file and it worked without any change: http://www.winedt.org/dict.html

There are many other languages.

OUTDATED: I get this info from this page (now this link is dead), who included additional details and format conversions that I didn't need: http://blog.novoj.net/2010/11/07/how-to-add-your-own-dictionary-to-intellij-idea-spellchecker/

Solution 3:

This is based on all answers from here but including all the steps. I'm on Mac OS X (I think it will work on linux as well, except aspell installation) and I want the spanish dic

Only execute on terminal those lines that start with $ symbol

  1. Install aspell:

    $ brew update
    $ brew install aspell
  2. Download Aspell dic from their official repo

  3. Extract tar.bz2 file
  4. Go to extracted directory using terminal

    $ cd Downloads/aspell6-es-1.11-2
  5. Compile and install dic.

    $ ./configure
    Finding Dictionary file location ... /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    Finding Data file location ... /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    $ make
    /usr/local/bin/prezip-bin -d < es.cwl | /usr/local/bin/aspell  --lang=es create master ./es.rws
    $ make install
    mkdir -p /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    cp es.rws castellano.alias es.multi espanol.alias spanish.alias /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    cd /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/ && chmod 644 es.rws castellano.alias es.multi espanol.alias spanish.alias
    mkdir -p /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    cp es.dat es_affix.dat /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/
    cd /usr/local/Cellar/aspell/ && chmod 644 es.dat es_affix.dat
  6. Create the .dic file using:

    $ aspell -l es dump master | aspell -l es expand | tr ' ' '\n' > es.dic

Solution 4:

Download a .dic from wherever you want(example). Then go to File > Settings > Spelling. There open the Dictionaries tap and add the path to the folder where you have saved the .dic in. It will auto-detect any .dic inside that folder. Apply.

Solution 5:

Converting a Unicode dict to UTF-8 did the trick for me (sample for German / Linux computer):

NOTE: the converted german-dict can be downloaded here (<- already working).

If you need an other language please follow these steps:

  1. (Just in case) If you have already linked .dic-files in IntelliJ, please remove them temporary by pressing the red minus in the settings.

  2. Get your UNICODE(!) dictionary from here.

  3. Now convert it to UTF-8, so IntelliJ will accept it:

    ~/Downloads/de_neu $ iconv -f UNICODE -t UTF-8 de_neu.dic > de_neu_utf8.dic

  4. Go to File > Settings > type "dict" in the search and click Dictionaries > click the green plus and add the folder where "de_neu_utf8.dic" is stored.

  5. Click OK, and you should be good to go. :)